10X Pump is not for the faint-hearted. Weighing in at 24g per scoop, the 10X pump is packed with ingredients backed by good science to help you get the most out of your workout. Most brands will start by telling you what’s in their pre-workouts, but we’ll be different and start by telling you what’s NOT in 10X PUMP.

339,00 kr.

10X Pump

10X Pump is not for the faint-hearted. Weighing in at 24g per scoop, the 10X pump is packed with ingredients backed by good science to help you get the most out of your workout. Most brands will start by telling you what’s in their pre-workouts, but we’ll be different and start by telling you what’s NOT in 10X PUMP.


At 10X Athletic we do not use: Illegal and potentially unsafe stimulants. It’s just not how we scroll. We pride ourselves on nurturing athletes of all levels, including Olympic and professional athletes. So illegal or unsafe stimulants just don’t do it for us. Prohibited ingredients on the WADA list. No Proprietary Blends. All our labels are completely transparent, so you know exactly what you’re getting in each scoop. Not ugly. No surprises. Bad science. In particular, we avoid using ingredients with poor science to support their effectiveness. Many pre-workouts are filled with inexpensive ingredients or ingredients with little or no science to support their claims. We don’t.

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So, what is included in the product:

8000mg Citrulline Malate 2:1 Looking for better performance, recovery, energy and more powerful pumps? Then citrulline is a ‘must’ in your pre-workout. Citrulline is a potent (NO) nitric oxide boosting ingredient and has been shown to be a more bioavailable and effective nutrient in boosting plasma levels of arginine than L-arginine supplementation alone. Before we go any further, let’s put the debate about l-citrulline v citrulline malate on the bed once and for all. There is only one winner when you want to maximize high-intensity exercise and anaerobic performance. Unlike l-citrulline, studies have shown that when subjects consumed 8,000 mg of citrulline malate, they improved their performance during chest and leg strength training, increased repetitions, and decreased their perceived exertion compared to taking a placebo. In addition, subjects experienced a huge 40% reduction in muscle soreness compared to subjects who did not consume 8000mg of citrulline malate. Citrulline can also help your performance at the gym by reducing lactic acid buildup in your muscles, as it plays an important role in ammonia buffer.

3200mg Beta Alanine | Supplementation with beta-alanine has been shown to increase carnosine levels in skeletal muscle tissue by up to 80%. This improves the muscles’ ability to buffer hydrogen ions and compensates for the “burn” experienced during intense exercise. Beta Alanine is an incredibly well-researched ingredient, and studies have shown that 3200 mg of Beta Alanine supplementation can help reduce fatigue and increase stamina significantly. What does all this mean? In short, Beta-Alanine supplements can provide higher reps and superior performance in the gym. You may be wondering if the goal is to increase carnosine, why not supplement directly with carnosine instead? Studies have shown that beta-alanine supplementation is more effective at increasing carnosine levels than carnosine supplementation alone. Beta-alanine is more bioavailable than carnosine, so it’s more effective at increasing carnosine levels in your muscles. If you’re not used to supplementing with beta-alanine, watch out for the “tingling” (paresthesia) sensation. Start with a lower dose and build up your tolerance.

3000mg Creatine Monohydrate Perhaps the most thoroughly researched and effective ingredient in sports nutrition. Creatine monohydrate is not only widely studied, but it also has a wealth of evidence to support its effectiveness. Creatine is an osmolyte that improves cellular hydration and ATP regeneration in your muscle cells. During exercise, ATP is broken down to produce energy. Creatine supplementation increases phosphocreatine stores, which means more ATP energy to nourish muscles during intense exercise. In addition to helping your muscle cells produce more energy, studies have shown that supplementation with creatine monohydrate, among other benefits, can lead to an increase in strength, muscle mass, muscle endurance, and aid in recovery. Creatine monohydrate is the gold standard and is a must for any serious trainer. Creatine, like Beta Alaine, is a satiety product and does not require a running-in phase. However, it is not uncommon for trainers to consume 3-5 g of creatine before and after exercise.

400mg Peak ATP Peak ATP is a proprietary form of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) disodium (ATP). Peak ATP is structurally identical to the ATP produced and used in the human body. All living cells use ATP for energy. During exercise, the demand for ATP increases dramatically, and the ATP turnover rate can limit high-intensity performance. In clinical studies, Peak ATP has been shown to increase muscle strength, improve blood flow, increase reps, increase lean body mass, and reduce fatigue compared to placebo. Based on research, the recommended dose of Peak ATP is 400mg, which is the exact amount in your pre-workout 10X. Ideally, it should be taken (in your pre-workout) 30-60 minutes before exercise.

2500mg Betaine Anhydrous Betaine is a highly researched, safe and highly effective performance enhancing supplement. Betaine is a natural osmolyte like creatine and promotes cell hydration. It also synerges with creatine to improve creatine biosynthesis in the human body. As an osmolyte, betaine improves intracellular water, which promotes muscle volume and muscle swelling. Research has shown that muscle swelling stimulates muscle protein synthesis and decreases protein breakdown, ultimately leading to increased muscle size. Studies have shown that 2500 mg of betaine supplementation can significantly increase anaerobic strength, muscle protein synthesis, and lean body mass in athletes.

1000mg L-Tyrosine Research has shown that tyrosine supplementation can increase levels of the neurotransmitters adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These are important brain chemicals that affect alertness, mood, and your stress response. L-tyrosine is a dopamine precursor, a chemical that regulates “reward and pleasure” centers in your brain. Because decreased levels of dopamine reduce motivation and performance, increased dopamine levels may have the effect of boosting brain function, mood, and performance in certain circumstances.

1000mg Beet Root Extract Beet extract is another powerful (NO) nitric oxide boosting ingredient. The nitrates in beetroot juice and supplements have been shown to increase nitric oxide excretion. Human studies suggest that boosting NO can improve muscle pumping and performance in high-intensity interval training and sustained aerobic exercise.

700mg Electrolytes Electrolytes are minerals that become electrically charged when dissolved in fluid and are essential for many important bodily functions. Like many other compounds in the human body, electrolytes must remain within a certain range for good health and function. During intense exercise, the body loses electrolytes and water through sweat. Electrolyte depletion can lead to decreased performance, fatigue, cramps, and increase the risk of injury. So we added potassium, magnesium, and sodium to our pre-workout to replenish these vital minerals. These are 3 of the most abundant electrolytes, which help support muscle contractions, nerve impulse conduction, regulate heart rate and fluid balance in the body, among many other benefits.

Vitamin B incl. 800ug Folic acid Folic acid is a highly bioavailable form of vitamin B9. It plays an important supporting role in the production of dopamine and nitric oxide. B3 (niacin) plays an important role in energy metabolism and cell health. B6 (pyridoxal 5’phosphate) can improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression and improve brain health. Vitamin B12 (methylcobalatim) is an essential vitamin that your body cannot produce. Supplementing with B12 can help support normal function, energy production of nerve cells, and even help minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. B12 also serves as an important cofactor in dopamine production.

20mg Bioperine and AstraGin Bioperine is a patented black pepper extract used in pre-workout supplements to improve nutrient absorption and absorption via the active component piperine. Piperine is also a high-level antioxidant and a dopamine maximizer in the body (by stimulating the TRPV receptor in the brain). AstraGin is a patented, 100% plant-based compound that also increases the absorption of many vital nutrients. Bioperine and AstraGin work synergistically to increase nutrient absorption and absorption, this can help you get more out of your pre-workout.


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